What causes rashes?

Most of us will suffer with a rash at some point in our lives. The common rashes are:

  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Fungal infections
  • Impetigo
  • Allergic reactions
  • Urticaria
  • Lichen Planus

This list is not exhaustive by any means as over a thousand diagnoses exist in Dermatology!

What do rashes look like?

Different diagnoses have different clinical features. Eczema may cause dry, itchy patches. Psoriasis causes very scaly and thick plaques. Fungal infections can cause red, scaly and weepy areas and abnormal nails. Urticaria resembles hives. Lichen planus causes little purple spots. It is important for a rash to be diagnosed by a Dermatologist.

Can itch be present without a rash?

Yes and this is surprisingly common. Itch without a rash is known as primary pruritus and requires further investigations for conditions such as anaemia and thyroid disorders. Sometimes itch without a rash is a variation of urticaria.

Are there any treatments for rashes and itch?

Yes there are many effective therapies and it is important to see a Dermatologist for these. Options to treat rashes are listed below and are individualised to the needs of the sufferer and the diagnosis:

  • Moisturisers
  • Steroid Creams
  • Anti fungal creams
  • Tablets
  • Light therapy

What should I do if I have a rash?

If you have a rash and you would like diagnosis and treatment, then please make an appointment to see Dr Martin-Clavijo who will be happy to help.